Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kino Der Toten Guide

Welcome to my guide. The reason I did a 2 player guide is because 4 players usually you lose on a low level because the dog rounds are hard and unless you have 4 really good players its almost impossible. 2 players is easy to manage because you can communicate better.
Levels 1-4:  DO NOT BUY A GUN.
Level 1, stab. Dont shoot. IT takes one knife to kill them and you get 130 points for each knife kill. Highly worth it.
Level 2, stab twice. Do not shoot.
Level 3. Shoot 5 bullets, stab twice. If your window(s) get overrun, shoot and throw grenades. Hold down grenade button for 4 seconds, and then throw. It explodes on contact.
Level 4. If you haven't gotten a Max Ammo yet, then do not shoot. But if you have, shoot a round into a zombie in chest or head, then knife twice or once depending on where you shoot. 
Level 5-8: The person with the least amount of money opens the upstairs door, the person with the most opens the next door upstairs until you get to the MP40, stakeout and auto-turret room (I will refer to it as the MP40 room). Buy the MP40 and send one person back upstairs and keep the other person monitoring the windows in the MP40 room. Follow this routine 
FIRST DOG ROUND: either 5, 6, or 7. Stay in the MP40 room, and camp in a corner. IF you suck at aiming buy the stakeout. Be sure to trade out your pistol and not the MP40. 
Level 8: Player with most points opens the next door. Both players camp out at the metal door. When too many zombies are coming or the other player dies, open the door. Back out away from the zombies and then spray into the crowd. If player downed, revive them. Make 1 crawler with a grenade. DO NOT Turn on the power until both players have around 5000 points. Both players buy "Juggernog" located to the right of the stairs back to the starting room. It costs 2500. Link the teleporter. 
DOG ROUNDS: Rounds (9, 10, 11), (14, 15, 16), (19, 20, 21), (24, 25, 26)... (every 5 rounds after your first dog round) will be dog rounds depending on when your first dog round was. if it was 5, it's the first number in each group, 6, second, 7, third. This you will have to camp on the edge of the stairs and crouch. If it works then the dogs will stand there and won't attack you.
Rounds 9-15 Rack up points by killing zombies. Make a crawler on round 10 to get the mystery box if not found already. Guns you would like to have would be the HK21, RPK, Galil, Aug, Commando, Ray gun, Thunder gun, and both players should try to get monkeys. Good combos are the HK and the Thunder gun, HK and RPK, RPK and Thunder, Galil and Ray/Thunder Gun, Aug and Ray/Thunder gun, Commando and Ray/Thunder gun, and of course, ray gun and thunder gun. 
Do not use teleporter unless your about to die. If so, die in the teleporter so you teleport up together and you can be revived up there safely. Pack-a-punch at 15(if not dogs), do not pack a punch thunder gun and only pack a punch ray gun if you have ray and thunder combo. 
Round 16(if not dogs): Pack a punch your other gun.
Rounds 17 and on. Run around killing zombies, basically either run around the map killing zombies and try not to have one player run one way and one way running the other. 
Buy a mic or talk on the phone. Communication is how you get far.  

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